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Zhivago Duncan

This we were born

Screenprint, 2017

70 x 50 cm

Winning Bid

My name is Sandro Pinto, and I am the CEO of a strategy boutique consulting firm in Portugal ( ! We help different companies and entrepreneurs grow their business. We use to ask: I

Barter History

-20 sweaters delivered to boys & girls in need.
-A framed engraving of my authorship + a tour of the SISMACC workshops in Celaya, in the engraving workshop (Does not include per diem, nor lodging).
-Women's polka dot pink swimsuit with white (2 pieces) and shiny silver ring.
-Postal collection (A) of Oax. postcard made for the artists of the work"
-Assist you for 15 days. 1 bottle of Mr Mono Mezcal
-Photo portrait and half mix of Maya -i have a great selection of photos