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Edgar Orlaineta

Incantation (white)

screenprint on paper, 2015


Winning Bid

To make a little publication of your collection of pin ups with designer chairs photographs (for next year) check

Barter History

- Artwork n. 10 (or other from the series)
- Many Michoacan traditional candies
- 1 Charbonnel tint to print, 100 ml (surprise color)
- 1 week to work / stay at my studio in edificio Ermita, Tacubaya utilities and internet included
- I will cook you an american hamburger dinner in Tlalpan
- Photo printed and framed
- Oral sex for men or women with protection against STD (no kidding)
- A pair of women shoes
- A draw and a bottle of cheap wine
- Ass massage
- 1 sculpture in cement and comex paint, to be completed in the month of March
- 2 teeth and (draftee) with virgin porn stars
- Artwork ( and dinner
- A mini concert with 3 operas sung a cappella by a soprano
- 4 psychological therapy sessions and 1 EFT session Shoulder massage (if you are a lady) and legal advice
- Financial advice making sure you will have less spending and more gain
- 10 of my first sketches of nudes
- I work in San Ildefonso organizing exhibitions, I´ll give you a tour around our exhibitons, and I lend my discount for a year, and one dinner