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Jason Dungan

Untitled Film, 26 minutes, color, sound


42 x 59 cm

Winning Bid

Barter History

"Hi,  I've an Italian acoustic duo (we mostly sing sad songs about life) and we'll be famous pretty soon. Although we've got no EP at the moment (work in progress) we'd be glad to let the audience cry and think about the meaning of life in a live concert only for you (possibly in Paris or Turin, but we can consider any place in the world) to mix it up with your artworks (I have no idea how at the moment, though). I can't approximate the value of our music but we can make tickets for the concert. Cheers
p.s. I'd attach a song but it doesn't work (instead you can find a nice picture of us), you can check the others here
p.p.s I'm not (only) trying to promote my band"

1 screen print of HASTINGS ROCKS.